Fast Level Up Guide

Fast Level Up Guide

Leveling in Ragnarok M Eternal Love is an essential part of the game. Some of new features, quests, and areas will be unlocked when you'...
Swordman Class

Swordman Class

Swordman provides Tanking, Bashing, Attacking and Provoking. However, you can't focus on all of them at the same time because of the lim...
Acolyte Class

Acolyte Class

Acolyte is a job that specializes in healing and supports that stays in the backrow. However they can also become a Monk in the next job as ...
Merchant Class

Merchant Class

Merchants are part of economy in Ragnarok M Eternal Love. They can have a deal with NPCs for prices. The second jobs for merchant are  Black...
Archer Class

Archer Class

Archer attacks their enemies from range and are capable of setting traps. For now Archer can only proceed to  Hunter  for the next job. Ther...